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The 1832 Foundation is a public foundation which is exempt from federal income taxes and which may accept tax deductible gifts under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code - EIN 82-1760616. The Foundation, through its Board of Directors and Staff, organizes and administers various funding solicitations of Alpha Delta Phi members and friends of the Fraternity to be able to provide financial support for the educational and literary programming of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity.


To provide support and resources for educational, charitable and scholastic works of the members of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity. 


1.  Foster Ethical Leadership

Provide the financial resources, expertise, engagement and accountability to sustain and grow the funding for its operations and support of the Fraternity’s educational programs and projects.


2.  Literacy Outreach 

Encourage â€‹undergraduates and alumni of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity to involve themselves in the adult literacy charities in their local communities.


3.  Educational Programming

Cul​tivate positive personal growth through meaningful and inspiring educational programming and training materials.

4.  Live/Learn Housing

Provide financial support to foster the growth of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity through the provision of competitive living/learning housing.


5.  Technology Assistance

Offer financial assistance for Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity chapters to make technology upgrades which broaden educational access.


6.  Historic Preservation

Invest in the historic property and artifacts of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity and providing financial resources for collection and preservation. 

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